Saturday, June 27, 2009


This is Gassius' (from yesterday) more handsome brother. I don't know why I named him Sam N. Patty. It doesn't have much to do with belching. I'm pretty much going with the 1st thing that pops into my head, and trying to not over-think anything. It seemed like trading cards of the 60s were just loose and light-hearted, and they didn't really make much sense, and that's what I'm trying to emulate.

These are some previous notebook drawings. I figured they fit in this fake trading card set, so I colored and added them as well.


  1. Keep 'em coming! These really remind me of the Ed Big Daddy Roth cards I collected as a kid. I love them! I like Nick Neck best so far. -- Mykal

  2. thank you sir! I shall keep them coming.
