Thursday, September 17, 2009


A while back I got to take a trip to Thailand. One of the things most memorable to me was the was they made cigarettes out to be shameful, filthy and evil. On tv, any time someone was smoking in a movie, the cigarette was blurred out. When I went to the store I noticed the packaging.

Instead of having fancy logos and glamorous camels and cowboys on the packages, they had pictures of cancer victims. I snapped these quick and blurry photos before the store clerk told me no pictures allowed.

On each package was a picture of something like a rotted tongue, a man on a breathing machine, a man with no chin, an arm with sores all over it (??), exposed throat guts, etc... All of it was nauseating to look at. Not a pretty or cool image in the whole load.
The word VOGUE seems so out of place.


  1. We have cancer victims pics like that here too.

  2. I wish they did that here, instead of the easily ignored Surgeon General's warning.

    They should also put a photo of a 500 lb person on every container you get from fast food restaurants as well.
