Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I've been under the weather lately and my friends have been taking care of me. The other day a big pile of comics came in the mail from Lysdexicuss. I hope this doesn't embarrass him. It was just a really happy surprise and I wanted to mention it.

Also Bob and my brother have been babysitting me for hours and hours and days on end. I realize they're busy with their own things and they put it all aside to help me.


  1. Hey~ if the Thing can Team-Up with Morbius~ there is hope for a Blood Count/Gus Guano one-shot, ya ? Do it the Marvel way: square peg in a round hole ;~j

  2. Lysdexicuss is one HELLUVA guy! I hope you get better soon, dude.

  3. No problem, dude! I'm glad to pitch in. I just wish I had more time to help out.

  4. Glad hearing you have good firends looking after you. Anyway, comics and bed may makea good combination sometimes. I join Mykal's wish and I hope you get better asap.

  5. well that is awfully nice of those guys!
    i wish you all the best and speedy recovery my friend!!

  6. Lysdexicuss, Mykal, Bob, Gabriel and Brad,

    Thanks guys, all the positive support helps tons.

  7. Wow, Lysdexicuss sends everybody comics...except me...I musta pissed him off or sumptin'...still waitin' by my mailbox, Lysdex...

    sorry your sick...I been sick too...nobody helps're lucky...

  8. WOW!! You have great friends with cool tastes in comics!!

    Be well!!

  9. Apocolyte, maybe you just need to get sicker!

    Willy you are right, thanks!
