Wednesday, October 20, 2010


This is a model sheet for a grumpy bat cartoon character. I temporarily named him Masterson Bat, but I also like Gus Guano. Alternately I guess his name could be Bat Masterson but that gives the joke away.

I don't really have any plans for him as of yet, but he's fun to draw so I wanna use him for something.


  1. Your best character design to date, IMHO!
    Like Masterson bat really.

  2. Damn~! I really need to simplify my designs like you have with this model sheet~! I like Guano-Gus for a name; it sounds Roman~! Maybe Master-Son Bat could be his little adopted buddy sidekick~!

  3. Count me in too on lovin' this new creation! BUT I would add to Gabriel's comment:"It's your best character design UNTIL you come up with your next one" You're a virtual "House of Ideas" (but unlike Marvel, your stuff is actually creative). Could we see a team-up between Gus Guano and Blood Count?

  4. No~ no~ just Master-Son for the sidekick. It is a given that he is a Bat. Master-Son is a pip-squeak who really calls the shots~! I love rogue's idea of a Team-Up with Blood Count ;~j

  5. Thanks guys! A sidekick would be great, and a Blood Count team-up would be fun. It's tricky since they're so similar but I'm sure it could be done.

  6. hilarious and wonderful character model sheet! man your stuff always makes me laugh, i really like the name Gus Guano that is perfect...

  7. Brad thanks! Thanks for the name vote. I liked the Masterson Bat name but I suspect people born after the sixties won't get it.

  8. So dang cool!!!

    I'd love to animate this one for sure..he'd be fun to move around for sure.

    Keep 'em coming!!

  9. That would be cool, Willy. I'd love to see what you did with him.
