I thought it would be a good weakness for an otherwise unstoppable guy to have. He could always be getting it smashed and then wouldn't be able to communicate. Even little things make all the difference. One time, I was trying to tell my sister-in-law(who can't speak English) to look out because a car was coming, and I didn't know how to say "Hey! Look out!"
I saw the car coming closer and closer, and I was wracking my brain trying to think of a way to say it, and I couldn't think of a single thing. She wasn't looking at me so I couldn't point either. It turned out she didn't need my warning and just wriggled around the car's path. I guess she does that all the time.

Maybe some times, the Thrower-Awayer is seen without his boot, or his pants or cape because they've obviously been thrown away. It would be unspoken but understood.

I thought it would be funny if there was a super hero who's power was to throw things away. He has some mental disorder where he can't stand to see something NOT in the garbage. He never really does any good, just kind of annoys everyone. Maybe once in a blue moon his weird compulsion would accidentally make a good thing happen, but that would be a rare case.
Most of the time he would just make everything worse. He could be part of a super hero team. When it's time for them to fly to the scene of some crime, they realize he's thrown away the keys and their weapons and costumes, and garage door opener, etc...

Titanus is my favorite.